Lovense Max

Home > Other Male Masturbators > Lovense Max

Editor's Pick - Best Male Sex Toys

Autoblow A.I.

Autoblow 2 A.I.
  • Sleeves can be interchanged Sleeves can be interchanged
  • Industrial strength motor Industrial strength motor
  • Does NOT require batteries Does NOT require batteries
  • Hands free blowjob machine Hands free male masturbator
  • Sleeves are easy to clean Sleeves are easy to clean
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Fleshlight STU

Fleshlight STU
  • Waterproof Male Masturbator Waterproof male masturbator
  • Realistic feel Realistic feel
  • Different sleeves Different sleeves
  • Super tight Super tight
  • Easy to clean and store Easy to clean and store
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Lovense MaxI’ve been keeping my ear to the ground for information about toys that combine technology and sexuality. There is actually a field that deals specifically with combining sex toys and computers/technology so that the end user(s) can reach orgasm in different ways. That field is teledildonics.

What Is Max By Lovense?

The “user interface” is very generic, but I actually find it nice. They didn’t try to match something that’s impossible to match perfectly.

Obviously, we’ve already covered that Lovense is exploring the possibilities that teledildonics offer, but that was in a more general sense. Max is a masturbation device (sex toy/stroker/what have you) that is designed for those with a penis. As far as tech goes, Max also contains a Bluetooth chip… The Bluetooth chip gives Max the ability to sync with certain devices (computers, cell phones) and while it isn’t necessary to use Max with a phone or whatever, a lot of the crazier options aren’t possible without getting connected.

How Does Lovense Max Work?

Is a sex toy in the most general of terms, just like every other sex toy. You put bits of you in the hole and something moves and there is an orgasm (hopefully!).

Before we get into the modes of operation, connecting the male masturbator to your phone or computer is an important step to introduce. It’s fairly straight forward in that it works much the same way as pairing any two Bluetooth capable devices. Lovense has a guide page with all of the info to walk you through pairing Max or Nora with your device of choice.

Max has several different modes of operation though:

  • Bluetooth with music: by yourself, Max (or its counterpart Nora, for those with vaginas) can be connected to certain I-devices and (I believe) all Windows computers and through software downloaded from the Lovense website, you can listen to music that also causes the toy to react.
  • Partner Play (with Bluetooth): Say you are in Austin and your partner is in Tokyo… You want to play together, but geography is still a very real pain in the ass? Lovense’s toys are all compatible with one another; Max with Max, Nora with Max, Nora with Nora are all possible. Two penises can play together, to vaginas can go at it, or a penis and a vagina can transcend physical limitations for some pleasure.
  • Solo, Disconnected Play: All of Lovense’s toys are also capable of being used all alone without being connected with some type of tech device. Max is also capable of “playing back” recorded sessions from playing with a partner (so is Nora) if you take the time to record a session.

What Is Max Made Of?

Max, (or more specifically, the parts of Max that will touch you) is made of “skin like TPE” and ABS plastic. Just remember that TPE is porous and you have to wash and dry it well EVERY TIME or it will start growing mold/milder/nasties. There are also the charging contacts on the non-cap end that are made of metal:

How To Care For Max By Lovense:

Charging Lovense Max:

Charging Max is simple…. You plug the cord in, and make sure it’s making contact (very similar to We-Vibe and Fun Factory magnetic chargers) and then let it sit until it’s completely charged.

Cleaning Max:

It’s fairly simple really… Pull the sleeve out and rinse it thoroughly with hot water and a mild antibacterial soap, and then rinse the chamber. After it’s all clean you’ll need to let the sleeve and “case” dry thoroughly.

You’ll want to keep from getting water anywhere but inside the portion of the toy the sleeve fits in though.

Storing Max:

Really, go with your best bet for privacy. It looks like a damn air freshener dispenser or something, so if you want you could put it on a high shelf and probably get away with it. I’m not your storage expert (but could certainly pretend to be for $50 an hour).

My Experience With Lovense Max

Before I could even get down to actually using Max, I had to pull the sleeve out and check out the internal bits that I could:

Those air bladders are what makes the sleeve “throb”. This is also the only part of the toy I’d risk getting water in.

Those little tubes are what makes Max “throb” around you, and the vibration motor is back behind the plastic barrier at the back end.

There were several different ways I needed to try Max (connected to my phone for control, connected to a computer, connected to my phone and controlled by someone else on their phone, connected to any device and controlled by someone else using their own Lovense toy) and while I’d have liked to break this all down I just feel like there isn’t a good way to do so.

The sleeve itself rocks, and I enjoy the feeling of Max’s air bladders throbbing around my head and shaft. The inside of the sleeve has these little bumps that feel absolutely amazing, but there are still a few misses.

There are also subtle ridges on the portion between the opening and the bumps but because I inverted the sleeve they are stretched beyond recognition.

The biggest issues for me are that the air bladders are obnoxiously loud while inflating and they are also slower than I’d like (I think there’s no mechanical way around this yet though) and the vibration motor being out in the end of the toy means that unless I’m slammed all the way into Max, the vibrations are largely just a way to buzz away the battery.

If I do push all the way into Max and just relax and let it pulse and vibrate around me, it feels very good… but after 35 minutes of sitting around with Max working on my cock without any additional help from my hand, I still hadn’t had an orgasm.

Just stroking with it, the masturbator for men is great… but there is definitely room for improvement.

Overall Opinion Of Lovense Max

Materials: Plastic, Metal, TPE

Features: Vibrations, Pulsation, Teledildonics

Price: $199


I really feel like Max by Lovense is a device on the right track but not quite to the home station yet. The sleeve by itself is actually pretty great and if it were just a sleeve in a hard plastic case I’d be rating it higher. Because the features aren’t quite as good as I would have liked, I can’t give it a perfect 10 but I fully expect Lovense to improve Max and of course Nora over the coming years.