World's Best Male Masturbators - Get Mind-Blowing Orgasms

The definitive guide to choosing the right masturbation toy

Male MasturbatorLet's face it. When it comes to talking openly about sex many of us will turn a light shade of red in the cheeks and try to brush over the subject matter quickly, dipping lightly into the conversation but keeping it moving. However, if I start a conversation about something like oh, I dunno... male masturbators... that light shade of red turns a deep crimson and many grown men will actually start giggling like little school girls. And then, of course, change the subject immediately.

Funny thing is - sex in all its many forms (including getting yourself off on your own) is not only natural but one of the best parts about being a human being wouldn’t you say? Most animal species out there do NOT take part in sex other than to reproduce. So consider us lucky then, right?

That being said, it doesn’t seem to matter how mature we believe ourselves to be, talking about sex - especially with our male friends - is just awkward. I’m talking other than the locker room boasting of course. ;) Which brings me back to male masturbators and male sex toys in general. For whatever reason, guys don’t always want to talk about this with me - but come on! Girls have been using sex toys for decades, and how sexy is that?! See here’s the thing - most guys think that those toys are for guys who can’t get any sex. But when you think about how often most guys WANT to have sex (like 24/7 right?) and how often they have a partner who is willing to GIVE THEM sex…. Those numbers just don’t add up to a good time.

And yes, I know a lot of you are thinking that when the urge gets too bad, you can simply take yourself into the shower, or somewhere quiet, and take matters, *ahem* into your own hands. But come on - that gets a bit predictable and boring doesn’t it? Thankfully, male masturbators and other similar male sex toys are now hugely popular and are making a mark on this world in a massive way. Male masturbators are designed to make masturbation an incredibly enjoyable experience that can actually rival great sex in most cases. What you may not have been aware of however, is just how many different styles and designs of male masturbators there currently are on the market. Which is why I’m going to break it down for you.

Sit back and get ready for an in-depth look at some of the most popular styles and designs of male masturbator sex toys, as well as some handy tips on caring for them and storing them, and a quick roundup on the latest news relating to these products. So, without any further hesitation, let's begin by taking a more detailed look at some of the most popular styles of male masturbator sex toys currently on the market.

Different types of male masturbator toys

It used to be that there was really only one male masturbator on the market. However, we can all thank the heavens that in the past decade or so, as the popularity of male sex toys caught on around the globe, there are now a wide range of different types and styles of male masturbation sex toys. Each one, of course, designed to provide its own unique benefits and advantages. Here's a brief, yet detailed look at some of the most popular examples:

Automatic Male Masturbator

Automatic Male Masturbator

First on our list, we’ve got automatic masturbation sex toys. These masturbators are arguably the most popular on the market to date, and with good reason. You’re not going to find a more realistic toy out there. Period. The inside sleeve is made from an ultra-realistic material covering beads that rub the shaft of your member. With a little lube, it simulates the feeling and sensation of receiving the best blowjob you could imagine. These masturbators can also be plugged directly into the main electrical source so there’s no fear of the batteries running out of juice just as you’re about to spill your own. Juice, that is. The sleeves are also very simple to clean - they slip right out and you can wash them with warm soapy water, or use the specific toy cleaner to enhance the lifespan even more. With industrial strength motors, these are one of those things you just have to try for yourself. I can’t explain just how amazing it is. The Autoblow 2+ for example, is probably the best of the automatic blowjob machine. Completely hands-free, you just lube up, slip it on, and let it do all the work. Whenever, wherever, and as frequently as you want.

Vibrating Male Masturbator

Vibrating Male Masturbator

Next up we have vibrating masturbators which are also incredibly pleasurable and popular across the globe. For instance, the Supreme Head Exciter (lovingly referred to as SHE) is a great example of vibrating male masturbation machines.

Relatively small and discreet, SHE operates on batteries which make it an ideal masturbator if you’re looking for something that you can take away with you on business trips, or even just something to keep in your gym bag, office desk or hell - even the glove compartment in your car! SHE is designed less for stroking your entire cock, but more for focusing specifically on the head of your penis. About three inches deep, with incredibly powerful vibrations, SHE feels like a wonderful massage that will get you off in no time. Just lube up with some water-based lube and see how fast you can get off! Or, see how long you can last. That’s a great trick if you’re looking to build stamina!

This vibrating masturbator way more satisfying than a regular male stroker. It runs on batteries, it’s pretty simple to clean, and it’s discreet. ‘Nuff said?

Male Masturbator Pumps

Male Masturbator Pumps

Ever heard of a masturbation pump? Most people automatically think about the penis pump from Austin Powers… But the good news is, these things have come a long way since the one he shows in the movie. The new and improved masturbation pumps are not only designed to increase the overall size, length, and thickness of your penis - but they feel amazing to use too. In my world, that really is a win-win situation for all users, wouldn’t you say?

The X40 Masturbation Pump for example, is one of the best-selling pumps on the market for very simple reasons: It is elegant, it is easy to use, it feels amazing, and it really works - all using the power of water. The X40 functions basically by creating an airtight vacuum within the device whilst attached to the penis. Using it not only feels great, but it allows more blood to make its way into the tissue of the penis, resulting in an increase in size, and in much more prominent erections. It can be used in the open air, in the bath, or even in the shower. Using the device for around 20 minutes per day for six weeks, will add inches to your penis. Need I say more?

Realistic Male Masturbator

Realistic Male Masturbator

For those of you who are looking for an authentic and real experience, realistic masturbators such as the Ashley Labret’s Realistic Masturbator is absolutely ideal. The device is made from ultra-realistic materials that are designed to mimic the look and the feel of real human flesh - porn star Ashley Labret’s real flesh to be specific. With her ass up, you’ve got the option of sticking it in the pussy or the ass. Both are designed to induce orgasms and take your pleasure to the next level.

If you imagine a Ashley Labret’s lower back, all the way down to her upper thighs - that is what you have with Ashley Labret’s Realistic Masturbator. AND, you get to F*&^ her anytime you please :) For those of you who enjoy giving it to her doggy-style, you’ll love this. Flip on some POV porn, and you’ll feel like you’re right in the action! And although this masturbator may seem a bit uh… non-discreet… the mold is smaller than you would expect, so it can be stored away relatively easily. You’ll also enjoy the flat base which allows Ashley to be placed on a table or bed for a more authentic and realistic experience. She weighs a solid 15 pounds too so you can go as hard (or as soft) as you like. For easy and hygienic clean up, the device features an open-ended design, so cleaning up and keeping things sanitary and hygienic couldn't be simpler. I do highly recommend though that you use lube - she’s tight!! Just make sure it’s water-based so it doesn’t ruin that delightful, realistic material.

Stroker Male Masturbators

Stroker Male Masturbator

Fleshlight was one of the very first male masturbator toys on the market, which is why it’s practically a household name. Okay, well at least for horny men anyways. The idea of the Fleshlight is that it’s a very discreet toy (looks like a regular flashlight on the outside) but when you screw off the top you’re in for a VERY pleasant surprise - pussy! :)

One of the newest and most exciting versions of the Fleshlight that has come out is the Fleshlight STU. STU stands for Stamina Training Unit. And those of you who are familiar with masturbators might thinking “can’t all male sex toys be used to increase stamina?” and the answer to that is YES. However, the STU is designed with this purpose specifically in mind which has resulted in an ultra-tight chamber with probably hundreds of little pleasure knobs inside. If you can last more than 2 minutes in this, you’re going to last hours in the bedroom!

Okay, don’t quote me on those exact stats. The point is, it’s tight, and it’s incredibly pleasurable which means that it’s a great tool for increasing your stamina. Try it out and see just how long you can last!

Male Masturbator Sleeves

Male Masturbator Sleeve

Last but not least on this list of amazing sex toys for men, we’re taking a look at the always-reliable, general masturbation sleeves. These are arguably the simplest of all masturbation toy designs, but as the saying goes, sometimes ‘simplicity is the ultimate form of elegance'. These are your tried, tested and true - no bells and whistles - handheld masturbators. And put simply, they work.

Though basic in design, the amount of pleasure that masturbation sleeves can provide you with should not be underestimated. Take the Eden Masturbation Sleeve for example. A simple design with a tight fit, you’ll be blowing your load in no time. Made from a durable and flexible material, it’s incredibly simple to clean. You don’t have to worry about any fancy electronics that could get ruined, so you just stick the entire toy in a bath of warm soapy water and then let it sit out to dry completely before storing. For those of you who are new to male masturbation toys and who are looking at perhaps easing yourselves in (pardon the pun) a basic sleeve design would be a fantastic place to begin. These strokers provide very pleasurable results and many people are quite happy to stick with the simple toys instead of getting anything too complex.

Cleaning and storing your products

Male Masturbator Cleaner

Now that we’ve gotten a bit familiar with the different types of male masturbators that are currently on the market, it’s important to understand the best ways in which to clean and store them. Because of course, proper hygiene is incredibly important when it comes to all sex toys of any shape or form. Failing to clean out your toy properly could result in some pretty nasty smells, as well as embarrassing and potentially serious health and medical conditions too. I mean, I don’t think it’s difficult to imagine that blowing your load in a sex toy on a regular basis combined with never cleaning it and keeping it stored it in a bedside drawer could just get downright disgusting. That’s why it’s so important to know these handy tips on cleaning and storing your male masturbation sex toys.

Wash thoroughly after each use

Obviously this should go without saying but we'll say it anyways. Each and every time you use your sex toys, you should always, always wash them thoroughly before putting them away. A lot of people will simply give them a quick rinse under cold running water, but that is not enough. Bacteria thrive in warm, dark, and moist locations, and as male masturbation sex toys meet all of the aforementioned criteria, you can imagine what kinds of nasty bacteria could thrive inside your prized toys. For best results, wash them thoroughly, inside and out, with hot and soapy water. Try to use an antibacterial soap for best results.

Dry thoroughly before putting away

Once you've washed your toys, don't just give them a quick shake before putting them away. In order to ensure they remain hygienic and sanitary, you will need to dry them thoroughly. Bacteria can also breed in standing water, and if you have droplets of water standing inside your sex toys, bacteria can thrive here, turning your toys into breeding grounds for all kinds of nastiness. Take a clean and soft towel and dry your toys as thoroughly as possible. Before doing that, place them upside down and allow any excess water to drain away. Once you're satisfied your toys have been dried thoroughly, you can then put them away.

Think about a lockable sex toy box

Sex Toy BoxMasturbation is incredibly natural, and nobody should be embarrassed of it. That being said, it’s still a good idea to keep your masturbation toys hidden out of sight, am I right? I mean, we don’t leave our underwear laying on the living room couch when guests come over either, do we? Especially if you’ve got kids in your house at any point, or snooping guests, you may wish to invest in a lockable sex toy box. These boxes are designed specifically to store sex toys and they come in various shapes and sizes. The boxes are discreet, looking just like any regular boxes, and there is no way of ever knowing what you have stored inside.

Keep motors and battery ports dry

If your masturbator toy features an electric motor, a battery port, or any other electrical port for that matter, you must ensure that you keep these parts dry at all times. That means that you won't be able to submerge them under water when cleaning, so you’ll have to clean them carefully by hand. Most of the really good electric toys have removable sleeves so that you don’t have to put the motor anywhere near the water. If that’s not the case for your, however, just ensure to take the batteries out before washing (if it’s battery operated), and keep the electrical port free from water. If you do get it wet at all, be sure it’s completely dry before using the toy.

Use the correct lube

When used with sex toys, lube can make a massive difference to the overall pleasure that you receive when using the products - but it’s important that you choose the right lube for your toys. For example, if your masturbator is made from silicone, you will need to make sure you use a water-based lubricant, as oil-based, or silicone-based lubes can damage the silicone material and cause the surface to deteriorate and breakdown. To be safe, always used water-based lubricants on your toys to ensure you don’t damage any of the realistic skin-like materials. And of course, be sure to wash away the lube after each use.

Inspect your toys regularly

It may seem like a lot of work, but it’s important to take the time to inspect your toys regularly and always give them a once over before using them. If you notice any cracks, rips, or any signs of damage around the motor/electrical ports, throw them out and have them replaced. A damaged masturbator toy could not only hurt and injure your penis, it could potentially cause a fire, an electrical shock, or something equally as serious. It’s just not worth the risk.

Store sex toys separately

After properly cleaning and drying your sex toys, make sure you store them separately. Storing sex toys together could cause cross-contamination if one of the toys wasn't cleaned correctly, which obviously isn’t good. But even more so, when the toys are stored together, touching, some of the life-like materials can get damaged. Not all sex toy materials are compatible with each other. An easy way to ensure that your wank friends aren’t damaged while being stored is to have separate fabric bags for each, or simply wrap an old t-shirt around each one before storing them.

Final thoughts

Wow - that’s a load of information, isn’t i? Hopefully you’re not too bored, because before we wrap things up there are few more topics I need to touch on, such as the best place to buy these amazing toys I’ve talked about, and just a few news bits you might want to be aware of in the sex toy industry.

Trusted shops

Whether you like it or not, as the sex toy industry is so incredibly lucrative, people from all over the world are looking at getting in on the action, and sadly, not all people, and indeed not all companies and manufacturers, are honest, reliable, credible, and trustworthy. There are some sites out there that will steal your information, will take your money without sending your products, and who sell shoddy and unreliable products.

Choosing the right websites from which to order your male masturbators and other sex toys is absolutely essential. When purchasing sex toys, try to use websites with a lot of feedback and reviews left by real people. See what other people have to say, and before ordering, run a quick Google search of the name of the website/company you're thinking of using to see what kind of results you get. You’ll want to find out whether their methods of delivery are discreet and safe, and indeed, whether the products really do work. ‘’ and ‘' are two examples of very trustworthy sites, with great feedback, great products, and a very discreet and efficient service.

The power of crowdfunding

As mentioned, is a very popular and efficient website in the sex toy world, which is partially thanks to a man named Brian Sloan. Brian Sloan is actually the inventor of the Autoblow 2+ and was working on the idea for many years. As with most business ventures however, a lack of funding was the main thing holding Brian back, so he tried his hand at crowdfunding. He posted the pitch of his device on the crowdfunding website Indiegogo, with an initial target of $45,000. Well, by the time the pitch drew to a close, Brian made more than double his target, coming in at over $120,000.

Brian himself is quite a character, he has a great sense of humor, is a great businessman, and, as it turns out, is a fantastic inventor as well. Because of his knowledge, his charisma, and his sense of humour, Brian has been a massive hit on numerous social media platforms, and this is partially one of the reasons why his Indiegogo campaign was deemed such a huge success. The Autoblow 2+ is selling out all over the globe, and it’s definitely one of - if not the best - male masturbators currently on the market.

But just imagine - if it weren’t for the internet and crowdfunding, hundreds of thousands of men all over the globe would not have been able to enjoy the hours upon hours of pleasure that the device is able to provide. Just the thought brings tears to my eyes.

So, male masturbators, are they worth it?

Let’s see… ABSOLUTELY! Male masturbators are worth their weight in gold! No matter what type of pleasure you’re looking for, there’s a male sex toy on the market that will meet (and likely exceed) your wildest dreams. Take the Autoblow 2+ for example - I can get a blow job whenever I want. I can even get a blow job while I’m doing my taxes! Fun, right?

So whether you’re tired or using your own two hands to get off, or you’re just looking for a bit of variety, there’s a male masturbator for you. They also come in a wide range of prices, so there’s really no excuse not to try one. If you’re one of those guys who think it’s lame to use a sex toy, then it’s clear you’ve never tried one. As soon as you use one of these toys for the first time, you'll wonder why you didn't purchase one sooner. Seriously. Just do it.